Downloads See below all documents that are available for download. This includes product brochures and software documentation. Product Brochures Bicycle Maintenance StationDownload 45 - PWS BIKE Maintainence StationTraffic Counter / Classifier – SR7Download 25 - SR7 Traffic Counter DatasheetTitan Pedestrian BarrierDownload 31 - PWS Titan Pedestrian BarrierJunction Definition PostsDownload 33 - PWS Junction Definition PostsVeloFlex Screw-In Flexible BollardsDownload 13 - PWS VeloFlex Screw-In Flexible BollardsDownload 13a - PWS VeloFlex & School Bollard Installation InstructionsDownload 13a - PWS VeloFlex Installation LeafletTiger Cycle Lane SeparatorDownload 15 - PWS Tiger Cycle Lane SeparatorDownload 16 - PWS Tiger Cycle Lane Separator - Installation InstructionsTiger Wand Cycle Lane SeparatorsDownload 15a - PWS Tiger Wand Cycle Lane SeparatorVeloKerb – Cycle Lane DelineationDownload 17 - PWS VeloKerb Cycle Lane SeparatorDownload 18 - PWS VeloKerb Separator Installation InstructionsNarrow Hazard Cycle Lane BollardsDownload 01 - PWS Cycle Lane Marker BollardSchool Zone Screw-In Pencil BollardsDownload 41 - PWS School Pencil Bollards ReboundablePWS Flexi-BollardsDownload 10 - PWS Flexi-BollardFlexiblade Impact Resistant BollardDownload 07 - PWS Flexiblade Impact Resistant BollardEvo-N BollardDownload 06 - PWS Evo-N Impact Resistant BollardSureFlex Impact Resistant BollardDownload 09 - PWS SureFlex Impact Resistant BollardsMegaFlecta BollardsDownload 11 - PWS MegaFlecta BollardsFlat Top Tubular Hazard MarkersDownload 04 - PWS Flat Top Hazard MarkersCycle Lane BollardsDownload 01 - PWS Cycle Lane Marker BollardNarrow Hazard Marker BollardsDownload 02 - PWS Narrow Hazard BollardFG300 Impact Resistant DelineatorsDownload 03 - PWS FG300 Impact Resistant BollardRetention SocketsDownload 34 - PWS Retention SocketsDownload 34a - PWS Retention Sockets Install InstructionsSolar Powered Belisha Beacons & PolesDownload 38 - PWS Solar Powered Belisha BeaconsDownload 38a - TS2506 Smart Beacon with TS2509 Installation Instructions (V1 2020)Download 38b - TS2516 Belisha Beacon Shroud Installation InstructionsDownload 39 - PWS Poles for Solar Belisha BeaconsPeriodic Speed Limit SignsDownload 27 - PWS Periodic Speed Limit SignsLED Directional ArrowboardDownload 28 - PWS LED Directional ArrowboardCattle Crossing Signs with Flashing Amber BeaconsDownload 24 - PWS Cattle Beacon Warning SignsFlashing Amber Beacon School SignsDownload 23 - PWS School Warning SignsPass with Care VAS SignDownload 20 - PWS Pass With Care Solar Warning Sign 02Driver Feedback SignsDownload 21 - PWS GR36 Driver Feedback SignsVehicle Activated SignsDownload 22 - PWS Vehicle Activated Signs Software Sierzega Speed Display Signs Go to Software